
- Retractor, Senn-Green
- Retractor Segmüller
- Retractor Volkmann
- Retractor Langenbeck
- Retractor Langenbeck-Kocher
- Retractor Faraboeuf
- Leaf retractor according to Fritsch
- Lungs spatula, ALLISON, adults
- Bone Hook
- Jaw bone hook Obwegeser
- Retractor, BRUNNER
- Tongue blade, BOSWORTH
- Side speculum, BREISKY
- Double retractor, CRILE
- Retractor, DEEP, Rake
- Retractor, DEAVER
- Retractor, DOYEN, straight, / hollow
- Double retractor, FARABEUF, / pair
- Saddle hook, FRITSCH, / vertical handle
- Skin hook, GILLIES / rotary handle
- Retractor, GLANZ, hollow handle
- Retractor, GREEN
- Thyroid hook, GREEN
- Abdominal spatula, HABERER
- Hip joint hook, pointed-oval, grid handle
- Retractor, Kümmel
- Retractor according to Langenbeck
- Retractor, HÖSEL, hollow handle, / Octopus
- Side speculum, IKLE-KÄSER
- Retractor, ISRAEL / MURPHY handle
- Retractor, KELLY / Octopus
- Maxillary sinus hook
- Retractor, KOCHER / hollow / bent backwards
- Retractor, KOCHER / rectangular / Octopus
- Side speculum, KÄSER
- Retractor, KÖRTE / vertical handle, slightly curved
- Retractor, KÖRTE-BRUNNER
- Retractor, LERICHE
- Retractor, MAYO
- Retractor, MIDDELDORPF
- Retractor, MEYERDING, small / medium-sized / large
- Retractor, MEYERDING, finger, A-F
- Retractor, MURPHY, Gall Bladder
- Urinary bladder hook, POLOSSON
- Abdominal spatula, REVERDIN / bayonette-shaped / straight
- Double retractor, ROSE
- Double retractor, ROUX / S-shaped
- Retractor, SAUERBRUCH, standard, non-fenestrated
- Retractor, SEGMÜLLER
- Retractor, SENN-GREEN
- Retractor, SENN-MILLER, stumpf
- Pelvis hook, St.MARKS
- Tracheal hook/ rotary hook
- Retractor, WEINBERG
- Retractor, ZENKER, hollow handle